Adding Users to the Web SCP for ODMS R7

Collaborating with team members when handling audio files can be very useful, especially when users are on the go and unable to properly manage files themselves or for transcription purposes. The video below demonstrates how to add users to the web SCP for ODMS R7. Steps for Adding Users: Log in to the SCP Connect to web SCP […]

Setting Up Encryption on the DS-9500 Voice Recorder

When it comes to keeping your recording files secure, you can trust the DS-9500’s 256-bit encryption feature to protect your data when transferring it from the recorder itself to a transcriptionist or a voice to text application. The video below demonstrates how to enable the encryption feature within the ODMS dictation module for the DS-9500. […]

Switch Between Storage & Composite Mode on DS-9500 & DS-9000

When connecting your Digital Recorder to your computer, you have the option for your device to either act as a hard drive or to essentially act as a speaker/microphone through the Storage and Composite mode options. The video below demonstrates how to toggle this option for both the DS-9500 and the DS-9000. To switch between Storage and Composite Modes, select: […]

Recording Options for the DS-9500 & DS-9000

Learn how the various settings for recording options including: Mic Mode, Mic Sense and Rec Mode impact the recordings of your DS-9500 or DS-9000 in the video below. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions! Learn more about getting the most out of your Olympus Professional Dictation products through our Insights. Click Here.

How to Configure ODMS R7 in Stand Alone Mode

Configure ODMS R7 in stand alone mode on your computer to quickly and easily manage your audio files. There are a number of options throughout the configuration process in the start-up wizard that are covered in the video below. This video will show you how to configure the ODMS Dictation Module in Stand Alone mode. […]

Create Verbal Comments on DS-9500 and DS-9000

Leave a voice comment within your recordings to provide instructions or notes about the recording that can be used by a transcriptionist or yourself for future editing. The video below demonstrates how to initiate a comment within a dictation recording. When recording with your DS-9500 and DS-9000 in .dss & .ds2, the F1 button becomes a way to add a voice […]

How to Activate VCVA on the DS-9500 or DS-9000

Save time, power and recording space by using the VCVA (Voice Control Voice Actuator) feature on your recorder. This feature allows for automated stoppage in recording to prevent the recording of extended periods of silence, ideal for hands free recording. The video below demonstrates how to activate the feature and adjust it’s settings. To turn on the […]

Add a Delivery Email on Your DS-9500

Quickly add email addresses to your DS-9500 while you are on the go to send your dictation files to a number of different destinations instantly. The video below demonstrates how to add email addresses and send your recordings. To add an email on the fly to your Olympus DS-9500 you can: And you’re done! Adding an email on the […]

Best Settings for DS-9500 & DS-9000 for Personal Dictation

When using your Olympus DS-9500 Digital Voice recorder for personal handheld dictation it is best to optimize your microphone settings and recording mode accordingly. The video below demonstrates how to adjust these settings. Here are the best microphone settings on the DS-9500 or DS-9000 for classic personal dictation: 1) Mic Mode – Dictation 2 2) Mic Sense – Low […]

Enhance Battery Life on your DS-9500

If you are using your Olympus Digital Recorder for hours on end each day, and having to charge your device frequently due to battery life running low, there are a few settings that can be adjusted to enhance battery life. The video below demonstrates how to adjust these settings. For heavy users of the DS-9500, here […]

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