Can’t play in Direct Recording Window

If you have an issue with the play button flashing and not playing while in the Direct Recording Window, but playback works fine in the Main Window then please continue reading this article. Please follow the steps below to resolve the issue Close the Dictation Module Open Sound Control Panel which you can access through […]

RecMic not Recording

This guide goes through how to troubleshoot recording issues. + – Microphone Privacy Settings Click to collapse If you are using Windows 10 make sure that you have enabled microphone access as per the guide below.  We would recommend checking the RecMic microphone is working which this can be checked through Windows Sound settings. […]

Device not recognising over Citrix

This guide goes through how to troubleshoot the device recognition issues over Citrix. Depending on what Citrix environment you are running the troubleshooting steps will differ. If you are not sure what Citrix environment it is, then you can check this by confirming the operating system that the users are connecting to. If its a […]

Correction Window not playing audio and highlighting text

If you are experiencing an issue with the Text Correction Window not playing audio and highlighting text then follow the steps below to resolve this issue. Close the software down Open File Explorer and go to the location: C:\Program Files(x86)\OLYMPUS\ODMS_R8/R7\DM_TM Run the Olycodecfiltersetup.exe A prompt will appear if it is successful. If it fails then […]

How to change the default program for a file type

If you are playing a file type that is a WAV, MP3 or a WMA outside of the main Olympus software it may play the file in another application such Windows Media Player or Groove Music. You can change the application to open with the small Olympus player by following the steps below. Note: If […]

Windows 10 Microphone Privacy Settings

If you are experiencing an issue, whereby your microphone is not detecting any sound then this guide may help fix the issue. This issue affects some Windows 10 users. Check the microphone permissions on the PC by going to Windows settings > Privacy > Microphone. Set Allow apps to access your microphone to ON.

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