ODMS CLOUD: Smartphone App – The Screen Interface

Within this section, we delve into the essential screens featured within the ODMS Cloud Smartphone App. 1). Recording View This is the operation screen for performing Dictation. To make a new recording, click the [New] button. If you tap the dictation file displayed in the “Pending list” of (3). List View), this screen will start […]

ODMS CLOUD: The Smartphone App – How to Download

The ODMS Cloud for Smartphone is available for both iPhone and Android.  This section briefly details how you can find and download the app. 1). Apple Store This is an application exclusively for iOS. Search for “ODMS Cloud mobile App” from the Apple Store app to download the mobile app. 2). Play Store This is […]

ODMS CLOUD: Dictation Workflow – How to Select Dictation Files for Playback (“Checkout” Dictation File)

In ODMS Cloud, when the assigned Transcriptionist starts transcribing a dictation file, it is called “checkout”. This chapter explains how to start transcription work. 1). Dictations Screen (Transcriptionist) When a Transcriptionist logs into the ODMS Cloud from the Web Browser screen, the Dictations tab will be displayed. The displayed task list will only show tasks […]

ODMS CLOUD: Screen Configuration Overview

The ODMS Cloud web screen consists of six screens: “Account”, “Dictations”, “Subscription”, “User”, “Workflow”, and “Support”. Switching between screens is done by selecting the tab. “Account” Tab: Displays basic account information and administrator information. You can also activate the [Dealer Management] function or change the administrator on this screen. “Dictations” Tab: You can check the […]

ODMS CLOUD: Supported Devices, Files Formats and Browsers

Supported Hardware with the Desktop App Desktop App supports the following OM Digital Solutions devices: Device Type Models DVR(Mass storage recorder) DS-9500DS-9100DS-9000DS-2700DS-2600 Foot switch RS31N RS28NRS27NRS31HRS28HRS27HTo use a foot switch of the RSxxH/N series with ODMS Cloud, you must make sure that the device is in the OM mode. Supported Audio File Formats The file formats […]

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