Software running slow

If the software is running progressively slow then please check the following below which may improve the performance.  This issue can be caused by any of the below possibilities. + – 1. Excessive files in the software Click to collapse The software will periodically refresh folders to check for new dictations if there are thousands […]

Customising the layout of ODMS

The ODMS layout can be customised in many different ways such as hiding columns, changing dictation colour and moving toolbars. This guide will demonstrate how the GUI can be configured. Contents 1 – How to show/hide sections within ODMS 2 – Changing Column Width 3 – Moving Columns 4 – Changing Dictation Colours 5 – […]

Clean/Purge Feature

This article details how to enable the Clean/Purge features for folders in ODMS. The Clean feature is designed to prevent folders from becoming cluttered with older dictations. It will periodically remove old files and place them into the Recycle Box or delete them permanently. If they are placed in the Recycle Box, the Purge feature […]

Device Folder Settings

The folders on the Professional range recorders can be customised to enhance security and speed up the dictation process. ODMS R8/R7 ODMS R6 ODMS R8/R7 Please note to configure the recorder you will need to use the ODMS Dictation Module or the Device Customisation Program. Security features such as Auto-lock and Encryption can be set […]

File Size Comparison

  This article outlines the different types of audio files and their respective file sizes which are supported in the Olympus software.   File format File size Description .DSS 0.104 MB Olympus Classic DSS file. .DS2 0.211 MB Olympus DSS Pro file (supports file encryption). .MP3 (128kbps) 0.944 MB A common audio file that uses […]

Dragon Supported Versions

This article details what versions of Dragon are supported with the latest ODMS version.   Key    = Officially supported    = Not supported * = End of life   R7   R6*     Editions   Editions     Professional Legal Professional Legal Dragon 16 Dragon 15 Dragon 14 Note: Any Dragon edition which […]

Font Arial does not support style regular

When trying to load or install the Olympus software, an error occurs saying “Font Arial does not support style regular”. This problem occurs when the PC cannot find the font or the font is corrupt. Resolution Olympus officially cannot provide the Arial font package so we recommend you speak with whomever may manage your IT […]

Clearing a corrupt user profile

This article explains how to clear a corrupt user profile. When loading the Olympus software you may get an error occur saying “The application will be terminated because the user profile is corrupt” then closes. Alternatively the software may not open at all when you double click on the application. This problem occurs when a […]

Failed to register Device Manager and Codec Filter for COM

When loading the Olympus software an error occurs saying “Failed to register Device Manager and Codec Filter for COM”. This problem occurs when the DSS audio codec is not installed successfully. We would recommend trying the following below. First, ensure you are running the latest version of the Olympus software. If updating does not resolve […]

Cannot see dictations – Folders have red crosses

If you are experiencing any issues with dictations not sending over the network share or you can’t see any dictations in tray. You may notice there are red crosses in the software folder as shown below. If you’re the author you may notice the dictations have a home symbol as shown below. The home symbol […]

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