Deploying ODMS silently with a volume license

This guide goes through how to deploy ODMS silently in standalone mode with a volume license.


  • The latest ODMS Standalone software which can be downloaded here
  • A license.dat file
  • A network share for storing the ODMS software and license.dat file for software deployment.


  1. Place the ODMS Standalone software in the network share so it can be accessed by the users for the installation.
  2. Place the license.dat file in the ODMS folder which contains the ODMSclient.msi to install the software with the specified license.
  3. Next create a batch file and specify the following commands msiexec /i “path to ODMSClient.msi” SYSTEM=STANDALONE LICENSE=ODMSlicense.dat SETTING=INDIVIDUAL /qn
  4. Now the batch file is ready to be deployed out via GPO or SCCM.

The ODMS software has two modules Dictation and Transcription, so you may need to create two batch files to cater for this. if you want to install both modules on the same PC then you will just need to edit the license file to have both Dictation and Transcription licenses.

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