DSS Player for Mac could not start

If you get an error message about the DSS Player for Mac software could not start due to a problem then follow the steps below.

  • Launch Terminal program from Finder-> Application-> Utility
  • In terminal console, please enter the following command. (Required Administrator authority)

    • sudo cp “/Library/Application Support/Olympus/DSSPlayer/lib/DSSAES.dylib” /usr/local/lib
    • sudo cp “/Library/Application Support/Olympus/DSSPlayer/lib/LongPlay.dylib” /usr/local/lib
    • sudo cp “/Library/Application Support/Olympus/DSSPlayer/lib/QualityPlay.dylib” /usr/local/lib
    • sudo cp “/Library/Application Support/Olympus/DSSPlayer/lib/StandardPlay.dylib” /usr/local/lib
  • After the above operations, launch DSSPlayer software again.

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