Configuring Author IDs (ODMS R8/R7)

This guide goes through how to configure Author IDs which helps users to easily identify who created the dictation. 

Configuring an Author ID 

Please follow the steps to add an Author ID.

  • Open the Dictation Module
  • Go to Tools > Options > Workflow
  • Click Author
  • Click Add
  • Enter the Author ID and click OK
  • If you want to add more Author IDs then follow the same process above.
  • Click OK again to apply the settings.

 Configuring an Author ID 1

Once its configured the next step would be to register the Author IDs to the device if you are using a mobile recorder then please follow the guide Register Author IDs to a DS-9500/DS-9000.

If you are using a fixed microphone then this will be automatically applied to the new recordings. If you have multiple Author ID’s then you will need to consider enabling “Prompt for Job Data” found in Direct Recording settings in the Workflow tab as per the guide here.    

The ODMS R8/R7 supports FTP, which allows for efficient file transfer and management within the system. This functionality is designed to streamline the workflow for dictation and transcription tasks by enabling secure and reliable file transfers between the ODMS components and external servers.

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