Register Author ID(s) to a DS-9500/DS-9100/DS-9000

This guide goes through how to register Author ID’s to a mobile recorder this helps user identify the recordings. The Author ID(s) must have already been added in the Dictation Module please see the article Configuring Author IDs before proceeding.

register author ids to a ds 9500 ds 9000

  • Open the Dictation Module
  • Connect the DS-9500/DS-9100/DS-9000 recorder.
  • Click on Tools then click on Options and click on Device.

Note: Device settings will not appear if the recorder isn’t connected.

  • Click Author List.
  • The Author ID(s) entered in the Dictation Module should now be in this list. Up to 10 Author IDs can be applied to a mobile recorder.
  • If there are multiple Author IDs then you can set the following options.
    • “Set as Default” this lets you select a default Author ID to use.
    • “Prompt for Author ID at Power-on” this allow users to select their Author ID after turning their device on.
    • “Filter dictation by Author ID” this ensures the selected Author would see only their own dictations.
  • Click OK to apply the settings

Add Author IDs to a mobile recorder

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