Manually send dictations in ODMS R8/R7

The article goes through how to manually email dictations in ODMS R8/R7

Note: This feature requires that an Email profile is configured in ODMS. See Email Setup  for instructions.

  • Open the Dictation Module
  • Right click the dictation in your folder
  • Select Send via E-mail and click the email profile you have configured, which in this example we have used Outlook.

Send via email 1

  • To add an email recipient click the To button. Unfortunately you can’t type in this To field in the Window.

Send via email 2

  • This will open the address book where you can select the contact then click the To button, or you can type in the email address in the To field.
  • Click OK once you have put in the email address in the To field.

Send via email 3

  • Click Send once you are happy with the email.

Send via email 4

The next time you go to send your dictations it will remember the last email composed. So you don’t have to fill in the email address, subject and message again.

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