Quick Start Guide for Authors (RecMic)

This article goes through the basics of using your RecMic recorder with the ODMS Dictation Module software.

RecMic II

Quick Start Guide for RM-4010N/4110N//4010P/4110S

This article goes through the basics of using your RecMic II Series.

Getting Familiar with the Device

RecMic II range

1 Primary microphone 16 F2 (Function 2) button
2 Recording three colour LED (red, green and blue) 17 F3 (Function 3) button
3 Insert index mark 18 F4 (Function 4) button
4 NEW LED (blue) 19 F1 LED (blue)
5 INS/OVR LED (red) 20 F2 LED (blue)
6 NEW button 21 F3 LED (blue)
7 Insert / Overwrite button 22 F4 LED (blue)
8 Rewind button 23 Built-in speaker
9 Record button 24 USB cable
10 Play/Pause button 25 Secondary microphone
11 Fast Forward button 26 Back button
12 Trackball 27 Slide Record/Stop/Play/Review switch
13 Left button 28 A (Function a) button
14 Right button 29 B (Function b) button
15 F1 (Function 1) button 30 C (Function c) button

Sending your dictations

Once you have created your recordings you can send them via the following methods. The ODMS R8/R7 software has automated functions which can be configured for a seamless workflow.

Further information

If you want to know about the Olympus software please take a look at the ODMS R8/R7 GUI Overview


Quick Start Guide for DR-1200/2100/2200/2300

This article goes through the basics of using your DirectRec II/RecMic I Series.

Getting Familiar with the Device

Fixed Microphone diagram

1 Built-in microphone 12 RIGHT (Right) button
2 Recording three colour LED (red, green and blue) 13 Trackball
3 Insert Recording LED (green) 14 F1 (Function 1) button
4 Volume down button 15 F2 (Function 2) button
5 Volume up button 16 F3 (Function 3) button
6 NEW (New) button 17 F4 (Function 4) button
7 Insert / Overwrite button 18 Built-in speaker
8 REW (Rewind) button 19 USB cable
9 FF (Fast Forward) button 20 Back (Back) button
10 Slide REC (Record)/STOP (Stop)/PLAY (Play)/REV (Review) switch 21 REC (Record) button
11 Left (Left) button 22 PLAY (Play)/PAUSE (Pause) button
23 Barcode slot

Sending your dictations

Once you have created your recordings you can send them via the following methods. The ODMS R6 software has automated functions which can be configured for a seamless workflow.

Further information

If you want to know about the Olympus software please take a look at the ODMS R6 GUI Overview.

If you are using ODMS and want to know about how to use the Speech Recognition features please take a look at the guide here.

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