Creating an Instruction Comment (ODMS R8/R7)

An instruction comment is maintained as a file separate from the main dictation file and provides the Typist with special instructions specified by the Author. An instruction comment can only be created with the Direct Recording function.

 instruction comment

To create an instructional comment follow the steps below:

  • In the Dictation Module, click File > New Dictation.

Creating an instruction comment 1

  • Click on Instruction Comment button as shown below.

Creating an instruction comment 2

  • A red box will appear around the time scale to indicate that you are recording an instructional comment. The instructional comment is created in a separate audio file, and therefore does not interfere with your main dictation.

Creating an instruction comment 3

  • When you have finished making your instruction comment, press the instruction comment button again, and the red box will disappear. You can now resume your main dictation.

 Creating an instruction comment 4

  • When you finish your dictation, it will save in the dictation list, and have an instructional comment icon next to it. If you want to listen to the comment then press the Instruction Comment as shown in the image below.

 Creating an instruction comment 5

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