Clean/Purge Feature (ODMS R8/R7)

This article details how to enable the Clean/Purge features for folders in ODMS.

The Clean feature is designed to prevent folders such as Finished from becoming cluttered with older dictations. It will periodically move the old files and to the Recycle Box or delete them permanently. 

If they are placed in the Recycle Box then the files will stay there until they are deleted which you can enable the purge feature to automatically delete the files.

clean purge

Enable the Clean feature

  • Go to Tools > Options > Folder Design
  • Select the Finished folder.
  • Under Clean, click on the “…” button to open the Clean Settings. 

CleanPurgeFeature 1blur

  • Tick the box “Enable cleaning”.
  • Select the process interval which could be day(s), week(s) or month(s).
  • Select whether to move the files to Recycle Box or to delete completely.

CleanPurgeFeature 2

  • Click OK to apply the settings.


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