ODMS CLOUD: Timing of E-Mail Notifications Being Sent.

There are many examples of email notifications that you will receive from ODMS Cloud.  These are as follows:

  1. Migration from Trial to regular license (automatic update)
  2. Migration from Trial to regular license (manual update)
  3. License expires from Trial (Delete account manually)
  4. License auto assign (automatically assigns with sufficient stock)
  5. License auto assign (Insufficient stock → License replenished and automatically assign)
  6. License auto assign (License expired due to lack of stock → manual assignment)
  7. Manually Assign Licenses
  8. User deletion after license expiration

1). Migration from Trial to regular license (automatic update)

Scenario when Auto Assign Option is Enabled, and the license stock is insufficient. This is an example when a valid license is purchased from the Dealer before the Trial License expires and the license will be automatically assigned.

2). Migration from Trial to regular license (manual update)

Scenario when Auto Assign Option is disabled, and the license stock is insufficient. This is an example when a valid license is purchased from the dealer before the Trial License expires and the user manually assigns the license.

3). License expires from Trial (Delete account manually)

Scenario when the Auto Assign Option is disabled, and the license stock is insufficient. This is an example when the user manually deletes the account after the Trial License expires.

4). License auto assign (automatically assigns with sufficient stock)

Scenario when the Auto Assign Option is enabled, and the license stock is sufficient. After a license expires, a new license will be automatically assigned.

5). License auto assign (Insufficient stock → License replenished and automatically assign)

Scenario when the Auto Assign Option is enabled, and the license stock is insufficient. It is assumed that upon receiving the U-103 stock shortage notification, user replenish the license inventory and new licenses are assigned automatically.

6). License auto assign (License expired due to lack of stock → manual assignment)

Scenario when Auto Assign Option is enabled, and the license stock is insufficient. Even if the user receives a U-103 stock shortage notice, the stock is not replenished before the expiration date and the license expires. In this case, licenses need to be manually assigned when the licenses are back in stock.

7). Manually Assign Licenses

Scenario when the Auto Assign Option is disabled, and the license stock is sufficient. The Administrator notices and manually updates the license before it expires.

8). User deletion after license expiration

Scenario when the Auto Assign Option is disabled, and the license stock is sufficient. Licenses are intentionally revoked and then the user will be deleted manually.

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