ODMS CLOUD: How to Change Dictation Device Settings

The dictation workflow in the ODMS Cloud is managed by Author ID tagged to the dictation file.

Before a dictation is created, it is essential that the correct Author ID is set on the Dictation device (Voice recorder, Smartphone app). This chapter explains how to set up the Author ID.

With this page, we cover the following aspects:

  1. Author ID Setting for the Dictation Device (In the case Author ID hasn’t been configured)
  2. Editing Author ID on a Dictation Device
  3. Author ID Setting for ODMS Cloud Mobile App
  4. Transferring Worktype ID and Option Item

1). Author ID Setting for the Dictation Device (In the case Author ID hasn’t been configured)

The ODMS Cloud uses the Author ID as the basis for an efficient dictation workflow. The default Author ID for OM System Dictation Device, such as the DS-9100, is the recorder name (DS9100 in the case of the  DS-9100). When a Dictation device with a default Author ID is connected to a PC where the Author has logged in to ODMS Cloud, the Author ID registered in ODMS Cloud will be copied to the Dictation Device. For the supported device, please refer to Chapter < 3 Supported Devices, files formats and browsers>.

When it is copied, the Worktype ID and Option Item registered in ODMS Cloud in chapter < 13 Dictation Device Settings/ Configuring Worktype ID/Option Item> are also set in the Dictation Device.

2). Editing Author ID on a Dictation Device

Once the Author ID has been set, the dictation device’s Author ID cannot be changed from ODMS Cloud. This is to prevent the Author ID from being rewritten if Dictation device is accidentally connected to a PC where another Author is logging in. If you need to change your Author ID, please consult your system administrator, or use the Device Configuration Program (DCP) provided by OM System.

However, although DCP allows you to change various settings of the dictation device, it may affect the dictation workflow, therefore please consult your system administrator before using the program.

3). Author ID Setting for ODMS Cloud Mobile App

The ODMS Cloud Mobile App (smartphone app) can be used for dictation in addition to using dedicated dictation devices. Like the dictation device, the Author ID of ODMS Cloud Mobile App is automatically set when you log in for the first time. Additionally, in the case of the ODMS Cloud Mobile App, if you change the Author ID on the ODMS Cloud side, the newest information will be transferred when the app is launched or when files are transferred.

4). Transferring Worktype ID and Option Item

The Worktype ID and Option Item registered in the ODMS Cloud in < How to Configure Workflows /Configuring Worktype ID/Option Item> are transferred when the dictation device is connected for the first time, but if the settings on the ODMS Cloud side are changed, it is possible to reconfigure the Dictation device if the conditions are met. 

When the Dictation device is connected to a PC via USB, if the Author ID of the user logged in to the ODMS Cloud and the Author ID on the device matches, the latest information of Worktype ID and Option Item will be transferred.

For Mobile Apps, the latest information is transferred when the app is launched or when files are transferred.

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