Customising the layout of ODMS

The ODMS layout can be customised in many different ways such as hiding columns, changing dictation colour and moving toolbars. This guide will demonstrate how the GUI can be configured. Contents 1 – How to show/hide sections within ODMS 2 – Changing Column Width 3 – Moving Columns 4 – Changing Dictation Colours 5 – […]

Failed to register Device Manager and Codec Filter for COM

When loading the Olympus software an error occurs saying “Failed to register Device Manager and Codec Filter for COM”. This problem occurs when the DSS audio codec is not installed successfully. We would recommend trying the following below. First, ensure you are running the latest version of the Olympus software. If updating does not resolve […]

Font Arial does not support style regular

When trying to load or install the Olympus software, an error occurs saying “Font Arial does not support style regular”. This problem occurs when the PC cannot find the font or the font is corrupt. Resolution Olympus officially cannot provide the Arial font package so we recommend you speak with whomever may manage your IT […]

Cannot see dictations – Folders have red crosses

If you are experiencing any issues with dictations not sending over the network share or you can’t see any dictations in tray. You may notice there are red crosses in the software folder as shown below. If you’re the author you may notice the dictations have a home symbol as shown below. The home symbol […]

Missing Shell Folder Error

Error when opening the Olympus software saying “The application cannot be executed because the following Shell Folder defined in the registry cannot be found. Please contact the system administrator. Templates”. This problem occurs when there are folders missing or folders are inaccessible, which are referenced through the path(s) set within the registry. Solution: Open the […]

Managing User/Group Settings

This guide details how to manage your user and group settings within the System Configuration Program. + – Adding a single user Click to collapse Choose either the Author or Transcriptionists group Then right click on the group > New user or click the New User button shown in the image below. Enter the User […]

Managing Repositories

This article will take you through how to add, modify and remove a repository in System Configuration Program. + – Add Repository Click to collapse Note, the SCP can only manage one repository from each software release. Click on “File” > “Options”.   In the Repository tab, click “Add”.   Enter the Repository Name. Select […]

ODMS GUI Overview

This document will detail the overview of the Graphical User Interface of the Olympus (R6) ODMS Dictation and Transcription Module software and explain what each button and section is for. Dictation Module Transcription Module Dictation Module Overview Contents Drop-down Menus Toolbars Playback Control Panel Dictation Tree Content List View Device Manager Document List Drop-down Menus […]

Keyboard Hotkeys in ODMS

In ODMS it is possible to control certain features such as playback and direct recording through the use of Hotkeys. Enable/Disable Hotkeys Tools > Hotkeys On/Off   Assign a function to a key Tools > Options > User Settings > Keyboard. Click on the command, enter the new key and click Assign. Individual hot-keys can […]

How to use the Logging Function in ODMS

The logging function provides a basic output of user actions. Whilst the feature is not a complete workflow-level log. It can provide information such as file movement and changes made to a dictation. To enable logging, follow the instructions below: Tools > Option > Workflow > Logging To output a users actions, tick the Specify […]

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