How to add a document format (ODMS R8/R7)

ODMS is capable of displaying various types of document in the document tray. It is also possible to configure ODMS to support additional file formats for enhanced compatibility with different file-types and word processors. How to add a document format Click on Tools > Options > Folder Design > Document Tray. Click in the Document […]

Recording Format

This guide details how to change the recording format. This requires the Dictation Module or the Device Customisation Program to be installed in order to make these changes. ODMS R8/R7 ODMS R6 ODMS R8/R7 Open the Dictation Module or the Device Customisation Program. Connect the recorder to the PC. Click on Device -> Device Settings. […]

Converting Dictations

This document details how to convert your dictations to another format. This is typically useful if you are sending the file to another user to listen to the recordings but they do not have the Olympus software. Right click a dictation and click Convert Dictation Select the Format you wish to convert from the following: […]

File Size Comparison

  This article outlines the different types of audio files and their respective file sizes which are supported in the Olympus software.   File format File size Description .DSS 0.104 MB Olympus Classic DSS file. .DS2 0.211 MB Olympus DSS Pro file (supports file encryption). .MP3 (128kbps) 0.944 MB A common audio file that uses […]

How to add a document format

ODMS is capable of displaying various types of document in the document tray. It is also possible to configure ODMS to support additional file formats for enhanced compatibility with different file-types and word processors. How to add a document format Click on Tools > Options > Folder Design > Document Tray. Click in the Document […]

Supported File Formats

This article details what file formats are supported within the Olympus software. Media (Audio/Video) Document Media (Audio/Video) + – Playback, Import and Export Click to collapse File Format Supported DSS DS2 WAV WMA MP3 NOTE: If a codec that works with Microsoft DirectShow Filter has been installed, an imported file should be playable, but correct […]

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